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Watch your eyes!

In recent times, the awareness of fitness users has expanded considerably. Users have discovered that they can and must train muscles. Muscle chains and gestures that were previously unknown and/or underestimated. Muscles like the pelvic floor, the psoas, the extensor of the big toe, and many other structures have finally had the prominence they deserve in the panorama of wellness. However, there is a very small structure that is not enough talked about, the eyes.The eyes influence the body in very important and different ways, the way we move, and therefore also the dysfunctional motor patterns and their related painful manifestations. Considered at an "embryological" level as an extension of the brain (which in turn is a part of the nervous system), the eyes are the means through which light passed through the cornea, pupil, crystalline, vitreous and finally reaching the retina, it is transformed into electrical impulses to allow the brain to "see". The eye balls, in essence, receive information and transmit them, but whom actually sees it is the brain that processes them. If Nature has endowed us with such a small structure, with 6 muscles (it would be 7 if we consider the elevator eyelid) and 3 cranial nerves plus other intrinsic structures, why none is training them? You should start to think about how important they are and how much they can affect our movements. For this reason, movement health technicians, sports physiotherapists, chiropractors, and others have recently integrated eye balls motor training with remarkable results. The applications are varied with an immediate effect, aimed at stimulating the nervous system in order to increase the activation of specific muscle chains, reduce pain, to the motor's repatterning, and so on. To give you a practical and simple example, knowing that looking up helps muscle extension and looking down helps the muscle flexion, doing the squat looking at the floor in the eccentric phase and then looking up at the ceiling in the concentric phase will drastically increase strength and it will optimize coordination. If you are curious to know more, you should search the web to find the immense work by Christopher Daly, co-founder of S10 Fitness in San Diego. He was a true researcher and practitioner of the movement, who has dedicated his entire life with his friends Dave Sten, to helping others. He, unfortunately, passed away a few weeks ago, but to whom we owe so much for the legacy of research he left to us. Dedicated to Christopher Daly

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